Monday, June 4, 2007

Wax once every 3 years!!! 5 Star Shine Car Wax

“The most critical step you can take to maintain your finish is frequent washing,” says Glenn Canady, president of 5 Star Technologies, a company that makes vehicle maintenance products. “Keeping your exterior consistently clean will lessen the impact of damaging dirt and chemicals that build up on your car’s surface.”

A lot of people think the next step would be to wax their car as often as possible, but Canady says that’s not the case. “You can actually be doing more harm than good by putting on a coat of inexpensive Carnauba wax once every week or two. When it melts, it gets sticky, and instead of keeping your car clean will actually attract dirt and pollutants. Look for a polish that is designed to protect the paint instead.”

Canady recommends 5 Star Shine, a polish that uses PTFE (the same substance that makes nonstick cookware so slippery) and durable acrylic elements to create a chemical fusion that seals paint from the elements. The bond is strong enough to hold up to hundreds of washings and only needs to be applied once every three years for a used car, and once every five years for a new one.

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