Sunday, April 18, 2010

Do I need a Custom Computer

Do you feel that computers sold at retail stores lack the punch that you need? Tired of purchasing new computers with pre-loaded software that you don't want, will never use and you have to remove to prevent your new computer from running slow?  If you could answer to any of the questions you probably need to consider getting a custom computer.

Custom computers are the answer for computer users that only want software and components that are tailored to their specific purpose. 'Gamers' are one set of computer users that may have interest in custom computers and custom laptops. Gamers often require well matched and custom configured hardware to meet the most demanding games and gaming technologies. While 'Gamers' are the first group that comes to mind, many other people need a level of customization to get the full benefit of their computer system. Businesses may need 'stripped-down' computers to perform a single task, while musicians require a different level of customization to make their computer work seamlessly with other music equipment. Others may need a custom computer built so that it can integrate with computer systems already in place.

Whatever your custom laptop or computer needs are, be sure to be clear on a few things.

  • What is the purpose of your custom computer?
  • Can the tasks that are to be performed able to be done by a 'retail' computer?
  • Will my custom computer or laptop need to communicate with a network or other devices? What are they?
  • What is the cost of maintaining your custom computer? Do you have the expertise?

These questions can help you make a decision on whether to go 'retail' or custom. Answer them honestly.

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