Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Treat your Printer Right

 There is always something that needs to be printed. Though many companies go to great lengths to be as paperless as possible, there are always a need for printed documents,  pictures and even things like receipts. Printers are very necessary. Modern printers are relatively maintenance free. You just replace the ink cartridges when they run out and the occasional print-heads cleaning and calibration. You should use original ink cartridges for your particular printer. When using genuine toner cartridges or genuine ink cartridges for your printers, you insure that you get the highest quality prints that your printer can produce. It also reduces the number of times you have to clean your print-heads as well. Since you still need to print.... do it right! 

1 comment:

Cat Ray said...

I'll have to try this with my printer. Recently, I have been having a lot of problems with ink cartridges, they are always giving me trouble, until someone showed me a trick.