Whether you have several employees working for you or only a few, security identification cards are ideal for making sure everyone gets clocked in on time for work. These cards can help manage the amount of time that the employee is at work, making it easier to determine the number of hours and pay at the end of the week. They are also helpful when employees need to clock out and in for lunch so that they can keep track of the minutes they are away.
Some ID cards can be made with information on both sides. The name of the employee and the position can be printed on one side, and the barcode for the scanner can be on the other side. Scanners can be placed at each door to make it easier for employees to enter the building and swipe their card before work. You can also use the scanners as a safety feature by placing them outside the door. Unless the employee's card number is entered in the system, the door won't open. ID accessories like clips and lanyards are ideal for keeping the cards secure on the employee while they are working. Click here for pictures of the types of cards and the equipment used with the card system.
Some ID cards can be made with information on both sides. The name of the employee and the position can be printed on one side, and the barcode for the scanner can be on the other side. Scanners can be placed at each door to make it easier for employees to enter the building and swipe their card before work. You can also use the scanners as a safety feature by placing them outside the door. Unless the employee's card number is entered in the system, the door won't open. ID accessories like clips and lanyards are ideal for keeping the cards secure on the employee while they are working. Click here for pictures of the types of cards and the equipment used with the card system.
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