Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mobile Broadband and Free Devices! What a great idea!

This is a pretty cool website that has an interesting concept. They give you free devices when you purchase mobile broadband packages. I was checking out the Samsung R530 review. The review was surprisingly thorough and it didn't seem like a paid endorsement, but rather, a legitimate review of the netbook as well as the mobile broadband service that was included in the package.

The review was very detailed. They listed full specifications for the Samsung R530 netbook and the broadband services. Everything was clearly listed and the information was very easy to read. The way they bundled the netbook with the broadband service, the Samsung R530 laptop was £143.58 cheaper as a package deal than buying the laptop and mobile broadband separately.

The website was very useful. I just wish some of the broadband providers in the US would follow the lead of their counterparts in the UK and start offering similar packages. See for yourself, maybe we can create a demand for these type of deals in the United States.

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