Monday, May 21, 2012

Free Online Poker: Face to Face

Gaming is an aspect of computing that has helped to spur the growth and popularity of computers and, more recently, the Internet. The Internet has allowed a new level of interaction between gamers. This new level of interaction has made it possible to play against people that are far away, compete against the best in the world  and meet new 'gamer' friends. There is no shortage of role-playing, sports and puzzle games that any one can play online, but one of the most popular online games is still Texas holdem poker.

Online poker has consistently been one of the most played games online.  Just when you thought free online poker games had been improved as much as they could, a new twist is added. In this case, the new twist is the integration of video chat within your online poker games. Now you can see, hear and talk to your opponent as you play. You can make use of that 'steely poker face' and talk trash to your opponents too.

Face Up gaming has made this possible. They are not a gambling website. They are a game subscription website that has incorporated technology into their gaming platform that allows new levels of gamer interaction. Visit there site and see for yourself. Just look around or get involved in their online poker tournaments and test your skills.

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